MDN Web Docs Gets Revamp
Written by Alex Denham   
Thursday, 03 November 2022

MDN Web Docs is being revamped to reorganize the Contribution Docs, the pages that explain what MDN is all about and how to work within it.

MDN is a key resource not only for web developers but for almost everyone who writes code. It is a free-to-use resource that documents the open web platform and provides developers with the information they need to easily build projects on the web platform.


MDN Web Docs was originally created by Mozilla, and is now managed and maintained by Open Web Docs. The site has been undergoing a major modernization with the aim of creating a clean and inviting website that makes navigating the site's 44,000 articles as easy as possible. The developers wanted to create a more holistic experience for our users, with an emphasis on improved navigability and a universal look and feel across all the pages.

The MDN team says the Contributions Docs

"describe what’s what – the templates and page structures, how to perform a task on MDN, how to contribute to MDN, and the community guidelines to follow while contributing to this massive open source project". 

The revamp began with a grouping and reorganization of the content into two distinct buckets – Community guidelines and Writing guidelines. All the information about open source etiquette, discussions, process flows, users and teams, and how to get in touch with the maintainers in the Community guidelines section, while the information about how to write for MDN, what the contributors write, what is regarded as experimental, and so on is now in the Writing guidelines section.

The team has also restructured some documents, such as the Writing style guide, and has reviewed and removed outdated as well as repeated content.  This included moving some repository-specific information to the respective repository. For example, a better home for the content about “Matching web features to browser release version numbers” is in the mdn/browser-compat-data repository.

The updated version is live now. 


More Information

MDN Web Docs

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