Santa Is On His Way
Written by Lucy Black   
Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Around the world children are eagerly awaiting Santa - which is something of a problem since he'll only arrive when they are fast asleep. If you want to know when he'll arrive, track Santa's progress across the globe with an app - both mobile and desktop.

It was NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command that  started the idea of following Santa's progress. The agency that usually spends its time looking for dangerous incursions into air space diverts its resources to tracking Santa reindeer-powered sleigh and counting the presents being delivered in real time. It's a tradition dating back to 1955 that you probably already know, if not see NORAD Santa Tracker Celebrates Sixty Years. 



The rival Santa Tacker comes from Google and after the Google Santa Tracker (2016 version) and the Google Santa Tracker for Android app were open sourced on GitHub under the Apache 2 license there have been quite a few forks. The Google tracker uses location data to calculate when Santa will arrive at your location. As he is in Pelambang, Indonesia as I write this the green Arrival box tells me I have around 9.5 hours to wait - that will take me to around half-past-one, when I am sure to be snugly asleep in bed.

Google SantaTracker24

As well as showing Santa's position on the map, Google lets you find out more about the cities he visits. Clicking on the postcard opens Google Maps which provides a wealth of information.

Google SantaVillage

Santa Tracking is confined to Christmas Eve. However both apps provide games and educational activities for kids to play throughout December. New games are added every year - but the old favourites are still available.


More Information

Official NORAD Santa Tracker

Google Santa Tracker


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Santa Trackers Part Of Our Tradition

Where In The World Is Santa? Google and NORAD Keep Track

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