HBase 1.0 Released
Tuesday, 03 March 2015

 Apache has announced the availability of HBase v1.0, a distributed, scalable, database for Hadoop and HDFS.

HBase is used on top of Apache Hadoop and its distributed file system for random, real-time read/write access to large data sets across clusters of commodity hardware.

The new version has more than 1,500 changes and upgrades over the previous major release, Apache HBase 0.98.0. The performance of the new version has been improved, there are new APIs, and some of the client-side APIs have been deprecated. You can now use timeline consistent region replicas to improve availability, and the look and usability of the software has been improved.

The reasoning behind the deprecation of HTableInterface, HTable and HBaseAdmin was explained in a blog post by Enis Söztutar, Apache HBase PMC member and HBase-1.0.0 release manager:

"HBase’s client level API has evolved over the years. To simplify the semantics and to support and make it extensible and easier to use in the future, we revisited the API before 1.0. To that end, 1.0.0 introduces new APIs, and deprecates some of the commonly-used client side APIs (HTableInterface, HTable and HBaseAdmin).”

The API changes mean connection management has been moved to a new ConnectionFactory class. There are four new interfaces:

  • Connection
  • Table
  • RegionLocator
  • Admin

The blog post says Apache has marked HBase-1.0.0 as the next stable version of HBase, meaning that all new users should start using this version, adding:

“however, as a database, we understand that switching to a newer version might take some time. We will continue to maintain and make 0.98.x releases until the user community is ready for its end of life.”




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Apache HBase v1.0 can be downloaded from http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/hbase/

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 03 March 2015 )