jQuery Mobile Alpha 2
Friday, 12 November 2010

It's not usual to get excited about an Alpha release of anything, but jQuery Mobile promises good things. It's a  lightweight Javascript framework for developing mobile UIs the work across most phones and tablet devices.


The new Alpha 2 is now available for download and claims the usual improvements in stability and quality - listview and scrolling performance has been improved, the navbar has been reworked, URL navigation has been refactored, and Ajax form handling has been brought into line with smooth page transitions. Widgets have been transferred to the standard  UI Widget Factory object.



Currently the phones supported are:

  • Apple iOS: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad (all versions)
  • Android: all devices (all versions)
  • Blackberry Torch (version 6)
  • Palm WebOS Pre, Pixi
  • Nokia N900 (in progress)

The intention seems to be to support any phones that the team can get hold of. Why mobile phone makers like Samsung or Nokia haven't got a bada or MeeGo device to spare for this project is a mystery.

Probably as important as the release of the second Alpha is the news that the intention is to release another Alpha before the year is out, with a final version 1  release in January 2011 as the target.

For Alpha 2 specific information:

jQuery Mobile 1.0a2 Demos and Documentation

and more general info at:


Further reading  & Book Reviews

jQuery for mobile

jQuery in Action (2nd ed, Manning, 2010 )

jQuery Cookbook (O'Reilly, 2009)

JQuery: Visual QuickStart Guide (Peachpit Press, 2009)



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Last Updated ( Friday, 12 November 2010 )