Kindle Apps continue to spread
Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Amazon has launched the Kindle App for Windows Phone 7 and the Kindle App for MAC is now available through the newly launched Mac App Store.



The ubiquity of the Kindle app is undoubtedly a factor in the current success being enjoyed by Kindle e-books. The latest in the range of free "Buy Once, Read Everywhere" apps is the one for the Windows Phone 7 and makes it the first e-book reader available for that device.




The Kindle for Mac app is also the first e-reader app to be included in the Mac App Store launched this week and quickly got to number 3 in the Top 10 list of Free Apps, despite the fact that it has been available for some months.




It just goes to prove the assertion that Kindle and the Mac world can live together after all and having a Mac is no proof that you are going to use an iPad to read your ebooks rather than a Kindle.


Related articles:

Kindle's record sales

Mac App Store opens - is it good news?

Kindle for the Web - still coming soon



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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 12 January 2011 )