An Android app to control your Lego robot what more could a geek want?
If you are addicted to the Lego NXT robot system and are something of an android fan - the two do seem to go together - then try MINDdroid. This is an Android app that works with all versions from 1.6 up and that lets you access and control your NXT robot.
The MINDdroid app is a remote-control application that allows you to create a wireless connection directly with your NXT, and once a connection is established, you can tilt and turn your phone to make the robot move forward, turn to the sides, and by pressing an action button on the phone's screen, activate the Action motor. If you have a Shooterbot or other robot using two motors for motion and have a spare motor for actions, you are in for a lot of fun! To download the MINDdroid application to your Android phone, you can scan this QR code with your scanning application, or visit the App Market through your Android phone.
The MINDdroid Application has been developed by some dedicated AFOLs (Adult Fans of LEGO) and software specialists Günther and Shawn, in collaboration with the LEGO MINDSTORMS team.
The source code for MINDdroid is released under the GPL v3 license and it is freely downloadable here:
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