Nokia has 50% of all advertising
Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Nokia has nearly 50% of the phone ad market. A recent survey reveals that it's not iPhone and Android that dominate when it comes to advertising.



When you think of making a profit on mobile advertising you tend to think of the iPhone, Android and even the soon to be released Windows Phone - but Nokia ... well it's clearly not a player. However, in a recent survey Nokia came top of the list.

According to by inMobi (as reported by Reuters), 48% of its ad impressions were carried on Nokia phones. The iPhone had 8% of the market. Of course these figures are for web-based advertising and not in-app advertising.

It has been reported that iPhone users don't browse the web as much as Android and Nokia users and this is probably influenced by this fact. Nokia also still has around 40% of the smart phone market.


In terms of advert impressions, Nokia had almost 10 billion ad impressions in July. Apple had 1.6 billion impressions while Android had over 711 million.

Further Reading

Nokia makes it easier for developers

Nokia no Android - the developer's dilemma gets worse

Android declared favorite mobile platform

Mobile platforms of the world!

MeeGo OS goes open source



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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 22 September 2010 )