Google Announces Search MOCC
Written by Lucy Black   
Wednesday, 27 June 2012

No it's not a mistake in the headline. Google has announced its own "Massive Online Crash Course" MOCC - five hours of interactve video tuition about search techniques- starting on July 10, 2012.

The course, Power Searching with Google, is the latest initiative from Google to educate users on its core business - Search.

We've seen lots of informational activity on the Inside Search Blog (see Focus on Google Search) and the addition of a social dimension to the A-Google- A-Day search puzzle.

But if the aim of all this is to educate users why not have them enroll in a free online course?

If Google's Sebastian Thrun is looking for over 160,000 registrations for a six-week commitment to his Udacity course that has just started, Introduction to Statistics, surely Google can expect a good turnout for a six-day stint on search techniques.

In its six 50-minutes classes we can expect interactive activities to practice new skills and, like all good MOOCs, promises a community aspect with:

Opportunities to connect with others using Google Groups, Google+, and Hangouts on Air.

And if you stay the course:

Upon passing the post-course assessment, a printable Certificate of Completion will be emailed to you.

Registration is open from now until July 16. Classes start July 10 and will be released Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of that week and the following one, finishing July 19. Course-related activities will end on July 23, 2012.




More Information and to register:

Power Searching with Google

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Focus on Google Search

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 27 June 2012 )