Chart.js Dashboard Challenge
Written by Janet Swift   
Thursday, 13 June 2013

A new contest invites designers and developers to find interesting ways to visualize real personal data using the open source JavaScript Library, Chart.js.


The competition, hosted on Challenge Post, comes from Nick Downie the creator of Chart.js and asks for a browser-based dashboard with three or more charts that can:

track personal activities, optimize your life, and inspire others. Data can include social activity, entertainment, exercise, eating, or anything else you don’t mind sharing publicly.




Your dashboard must be built with the open source GitHub project Chart.js, a JavaScript library that uses the HTML5 canvas element to display six different types of charts — line, bar, radar, pie, polar, and doughnut.



You can use existing chart.js features and add or extend features to create your dashboard. Examples of potential new features include:

  • Alternative graph animation effects on charts using the easing equations in Chart.js
  • New chart types showing data in engaging ways
  • Re-using the string templating functions to generate the HTML for chart legends
  • Extending the Chart.js API by adding new methods to created charts

The prizes in the competition are

  • Free t-shirts for the first 250 eligible submissions
  • iPad mini 16GB for three best submissions

The deadline is July 11th and submissions will be judged by Nick Downie assisted by Stew Langille CEO of, Naveen Selvadurai Co-Founder of Forusquare, Jesse Thamas CEO and Founder of JESS3. The judging criteria are:

  • Creativity - including use of existing Chart.js features
  • Use of interesting and/or live refreshed data
  • Dashboard design - how well it makes data accessible and engaging
  • Responsiveness of charts and mobile compatibility of the dashboard
  • Potential contribution to Chart.js project by adding or extending features




The competition is open to individuals and teams of individuals and you can even enter as an individual and as a member of one or more teams!

Eligibility for the competition is primarily that you are "over the age of majority" in your country of residence and not resident in a "country, state, province or territory where the laws of the United States or local law prohibits participating", details are in the Challenge Post Rules.

More Information

Chart.js Dashboard Challenge

Challenge Post Rules


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