Build Cloud Apps For Codegeist 2015
Written by Sue Gee   
Tuesday, 01 September 2015

Atlassian's Codegeist 2015 has opened on Devpost with over $100,000 in prizes for building apps that extend its products, with an emphasis on the cloud..



Australian enterprise software company Atlassian has a portfolio of team and code management products. It has run its add-on hackathon for the past eight years in order to source innovative and creative plugins, integrations, extensions, web apps, mobile apps, and CLI tools that work with its products.

As a result the Atlassian Marketplace has over 1,800 add-on contributed by its community of more than 10,000 registered developers.

The focus of this year's Codegeist is to build cloud-add ons that extends, adds functionality or integrates with one of the following:

JIRA: Track, manage and report on team projects.

Confluence: Create, organize, and discuss work with your team.

HipChat: Team messaging, video and audio communications.

Bitbucket: Git and Mercurial code management and collaboration for professional teams.


The contest is being run by DevPost and is open to individuals and teams with businesses being encouraged to participate. 

The rules specify that:

The submitted Add-on must be an original work of the Contestant that is an Add-on to an Atlassian product that uses an Atlassian product API . The submitted Add-on (by itself or as part of another application) cannot have been publicly available in the Atlassian Marketplace prior to August 21, 2015. In addition, any application with respect to which Atlassian has provided any substantial development assistance is ineligible.

The judging criteria are 

  • Usefulness: How practical and complete is the Add-on’s solution to the problems it claims to solve?
  • Innovation: Is your add-on creative and unique given the other add-ons in the market?
  • Quality: Does the add-on function as expected? Is it free of bugs?
  • Design: Is the UI intuitive and in compliance with Atlassian? Is the listing informative including useful screenshots? 

The first 400 entrants to this year Codegeist will receive $75 in AWS hosting credit. All finished add-ons will be included in the Atlassian Marketplace and all everyone who enters will get an awesome Codegeist t-shirt for participating. 

The cash prizes are:  

  • $15,000 Overall best add-on
  • S15,000 Popular choice add-on (decided by community voting on DevPost)
  • $10,000 Best newcomer cloud add-on(only available for new marketplacevendors)
  • $7,500 Best JIRA cloud add-on
  • $7,500 Best Confluence cloud add-on
  • $7,500 Best HipChat add-on
  • $7,500 Best Bitbucket add-on

The deadline for submission is October 19th and the first step along the road is to sign up for a Devpost account if you don't already have one.



More Information

Atlassian Codegeist 2015

Rules on Devpost

Atlassian Marketplace

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 01 September 2015 )