Using the Forge SDK - Guidance For Forgeathon
Written by Lucy Black   
Tuesday, 03 February 2015

The second of two webinars intended to help contestants in Acision's Forgeathon challenge takes place at 16:00 UTC/GMT today. The first is now available to view on You Tube.


Acision's Web RTC-based forge SDK includes facilities for IP messaging, presence, HD voice and video chat and its forgeathon challenge which runs until February 19th asks developers to use it in new or existing Android, iOS and Web apps. 

The top prize for the contest is an all-expenses paid trip to one or both of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain during March 1st – 5th 2015, and to SXSW Interactive in Austin Texas, US during March 13th – 17th 2015, where the winner will showcase their project on the Acision stands during each of the exhibitions. More details of the rules and what the judges will be looking for are in our previous report, Acision Launches Forgeathon.

You can now view the first webinar related to the challenge on You Tube.



In it WebRTC experts, Peter Dunkley, Technical Director, and Andrew McGough, Senior Architect at Acision, guided participants through the forge by Acision SDK and answered questions about creating Android, iOS and Web apps with the forge SDK.


In today's webinar Peter and Andrew will showcase an example showing how the forge SDK can be fully integrated within a live and fully working web service to provide rich, real-time communications. They will also give guidance on challenges encountered so far during the contest and provide technical support to help participants fine tune their projects.

Apps being created in forgeathon range across collaboration, analytics, alert notifications and assistance, including gamification, chat and video-conferencing solutions.


If you haven't done so already, there's still time to register to the challenge, supercharge your app with WebRTC by the 19th of February and showcase it at a major tech event. 

More Information



forge SDK

Official Rules


Related Articles

Acision Launches Forgeathon.


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 04 February 2015 )