The Experience AI Challenge
Written by Sue Gee   
Thursday, 28 March 2024

The Raspberry Pi Foundation in collaboration with Google DeepMind has announced the Experience AI Challenge. Its intention is to guide young people under the age of 18, and their mentors, through the process of creating their own AI project.

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Central to the Challenge is the concept of project-based learning, a hands-on approach that gets learners working together, thinking critically, and engaging deeply with the materials.

According to the organizers:

The Experience AI Challenge is a chance for young people’s imaginations to run free as they explore AI. Creating an AI application can teach many skills beyond coding, including learning about ethics, computational thinking, and design. It helps young people develop a broader understanding of the influence of AI on society.

This Challenge is for AI beginners. Neither students nor mentors need any previous computing experience and the Challenge’s step-by-step resource pack covers all that is needed, from the basics of AI, to training a machine learning model, to creating a project in Scratch.

The resource pack comprises:

  • A mentor guide which contains everything needed to set up and run the Challenge 
  • A creator guide which supports young people throughout the Challenge and contains talking points to help with planning and designing projects 
  • A blueprint workbook which helps creators keep track of their inspiration, ideas, and plans during the Challenge 

Participation is completely free but while you can download and use the resource pack anywhere in the world, project submission is only open to young people up to age 18 who live in the UK.

All young people who submit a project receive personalised feedback from the Raspberry Pi Foundation and a certificate of achievement, in recognition of their hard work and creativity. Any projects considered as outstanding will be selected as favourites and its creators will be invited to a showcase event in the summer.  

The Experience AI Challenge is underway and the submission deadline 24 May 2024. To find out more join the Raspberry Pi Foundation's live webinar on Wednesday 3 April at 15:30 BST on its YouTube channel.

rpi AI


More Information 

The Experience AI Challenge

The Experience AI Challenge: Find out all you need to know 

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Last Updated ( Friday, 29 March 2024 )