Delayed Beta 4 Of iOS 7 Available
Written by David Conrad   
Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Now that the Apple Dev Center is up and running again after the security breach that forced it to close down for over a week, Apple has released the latest beta version of iOS 7 to developers, a week later than originally expected.


iOS 7 beta 4 is mainly bug fixes, graphics and UI enhancements and minor updates, but it also has a folder titled “BiometricKitUI” that sounds as if it could hold a user interface for a biometric fingerprint sensor - something that has been rumored to be part of the spec of the iPhone 5S that is expected to launch in September at the same time as iOS 7.



(click to enlarge)
Source: 9to5Mac

Two more betas are expected for iOS 7 prior to the GM (gold master) version is released in early September. Hopefully the delay in releasing this seed won't impact the schedule. The hold up was related to the fact that the developer portal had been hacked, with Apple claiming that some information about the 275,000  third-party developers who are registered to use it may have been stolen.

Although the security breach seems to have been perpetrated by a penetration tester rather than someone with malicious intent, as Turkish security researcher, Ibrahim Balic, was able to collect user data others could presumably do so as well, and Apple responded by stating it was:

"completely overhauling our developer systems, updating our server software, and rebuilding our entire database"




More Information

iOS 7 beta for Developers

iOS Dev Center

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 30 July 2013 )