Nokia's Tips For App Developers
Written by Alex Denham   
Wednesday, 28 November 2012

If you are creating apps for Windows Phone Nokia wants you to succeed. After all, the success of the Nokia Lumia depends on there being winning apps available for it.

We’d all like to create profitable apps, but guessing how to do that is not really scientific. Knowing what makes an app a winner is a different matter. According to Jure Sustersic of Nokia Developer there are some key elements of the majority of top apps and he has 11 top tips to share:



According to Sustersic, the top 50 apps:

  • Use Live Tiles 3.7 times more frequently than lower ranked apps.
  • Use Push Notifications 3.2 times more frequently.
  • Update frequently, every 2-3 months.

One other key differentiator is to set up your app as a ‘freemium’ app, where potential purchasers can download the app for free, then pay either to upgrade or buy the app once they’ve used it. Such apps are downloaded 70 times more frequently, and achieve seven times the revenue of other models.

The details are contained in a Lumia Apps Lab webinar given by Nokia Developer on Windows Phone 8 development.


If you don't have time to watch the video - it last almost half an hour, the main points can be seen in a slideshow.




More Information

Nokia Developer

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 29 November 2012 )