Microsoft To Shut UWP Ad Platform
Written by Mike James   
Friday, 31 January 2020

The errors in Microsoft's ways are still coming home to roost. Now we have the demise of the UWP Ad Platform. Will UWP go the same way?


In the dark days of the Windows 8 fiasco - a fiasco so bad that the version numbering jumped from Windows 10 to put distance between it and the latest version - Microsoft was following Apple.

Microsoft needed a mobile phone operating system and it needed app stores and advertising services. To do this it made changes and additions to Windows that can only be seen as huge errors. For reasons that had more to do with ego than engineering, a whole new way of writing Windows programs - Universal Windows Platform - was invented. Today Microsoft is stuck with its unsuccessful technology and, unlike with Windows Phone, it seems to be unwilling to just call it a day. However, nails keep being driven into the coffin:

"As of June 1st 2020, the Microsoft Ad Monetization platform for Windows UWP apps will be shut down. This decision was made primarily because it is no longer viable for us to continue operating the product at the current levels."

The form of words "no longer viable for us to continue operating the product at the current levels" must be new Microsoft-speak for a dead parrot. What are UWP app owners to do? The suggestion is that they adopt other ad providers:

"While this transition may be painful for developers who rely on the Ad Monetization platform today, we want to provide adequate time to make the transition to another ad platform. Our recommendation is to begin initiating a switch over immediately by evaluating alternate options for ad monetization for your Windows apps."

What Google?!

As you can imagine, there are some fairly angry people posting to the forum and wondering where they can get a substitute ad stream.

Microsoft is slowly but surely rolling back the errors committed on its way to creating  a mobile ecosystem. The next to go will be the app store, which was really invented to support UWP or perhaps the other way round.

We really don't need UWP and never really did. It is time Microsoft put more effort into managed code and extending it into places that UWP was designed to go. After all in Silverlight they had the cross-device solution they were looking for.


More Information

Microsoft Ad Monetization platform shutting down June 1st

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Last Updated ( Friday, 31 January 2020 )