Robots On The Move
Written by Alex Armstrong   
Saturday, 24 November 2012

What brings Knight Rider's KITT, Star Trek's Data and Asimov's Robby the Robot together, along with a complete team of Aldebaran Naos? The answer is an ad for General Electric.

This video is a TV commercial created by GE to pique our interest in its "brilliant machines" of the future - which are not actually revealed in this promo.

OK, so we usually run robot items that have a bit more substance to them than this. But having viewed it we couldn't resist, and it is only 60 seconds.

Nao was one of the 2012 inductees to the Robot Hall of Fame so that another place where he might rub shoulders with Data, and Robby who were selected in 2008 and 2004 respectively - but for robot sightings per second this video is unparalleled.

See how many of your favorite fictional and factual robots you can spot.


Did the Naos really travel on the subway? Even as a stunt for the ad it would have been worth seeing the reaction of their fellow travelers.



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Last Updated ( Saturday, 24 November 2012 )