Discover Chrome DevTools With A Free Course
Written by Sue Gee   
Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Google has teamed with Code School to produce a training course that covers the developer tools available in Chrome for developing and debugging web apps.

Chrome's Developer Tools are based on the WebKit inspector and give developers deep access into the internals of the browser and their web applications.

As is often the case with open source tools, there's a lot to learn in order to use them to their full potential, hence the need for some training materials. As Paul Irish explains on the Chromium blog:

Even regular users of the Chrome DevTools may be surprised to find some lesser-known features from this course that can really boost productivity. You'll learn a debugging workflow to go from an uncaught exception to a live fix without ever refreshing your app. In addition, the course will share time-saving tricks to improve your efficiency while debugging CSS, improving reflow issues, and interpreting your network and JavaScript bottlenecks. You'll also uncover the DOM bottlenecks that are blocking you from delivering a slick 60 FPS experience.

The Discover DevTools course. is an Elective option in the Code School catalog and consists of these seven chapters:



In each you start with an overview video and then complete a series of challenges, for which you receive immediate feedback and also earn points. There are badges for each successfully completed chapter. In all there are over 75 challenges

Find out more about the course in this overview video:



The course is free to anyone who has enrolled in Code School and will require fifteen or more hours to complete.





More Information

Discover DevTools

Code School

Chrome DevTools

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New developer tools in Chrome


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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 26 March 2013 )