Gain A Python Professional Certificate From edX
Written by Sue Gee   
Tuesday, 20 February 2024

From now until the end of February edX is offering a saving of up to 30% on some of its expert-led courses and program bundles, which is a good incentive for going from thinking about enrolling to actually signing up.

Looking at our reports of survey results there is a widespread desire among those who don't already know Python to learn about it. The Professional Certificate in Introduction to Python Programming offered by Georgia Tech on edX is suitable both for complete beginners and, with its emphasis on Computer Science as well as coding, for anyone who hasn't followed formal education in programming: 

David Joyner is the expert who devised and teaches this course explains in this video how he comines short videos interspered with interactive exercises so that leaners can constantly evaluate their understanding. Learners also benefit from access to an Adaptive SmartBook from mCGraw Hill education. Switching back and forth between book and video seems to me to be a good way to learn and as the course has a rating of 4.6, others must be in agreement and an endorsement from Sanjay Srivastava, CEO, Vocareum, states:

David Joyner's Introduction to Computing in Python certificate program shows how an online class can deliver a truly superior instructional experience. With hundreds of authentic practice problems, immediate evaluation, and constant feedback, it is one of the best possible ways for new students to start to learn computer science and Python programming.

The progam covers:

  • The fundamental design cycle of computer science and computer programming: writing code, executing it, interpreting the results, and revising the code syntax based on the outcomes.
  • Usage of the fundamental atoms of programming: variables, mathematical operators, logical operators, and boolean arithmetic.
  • Control structures for developing dynamic programs, including Python libraries: conditionals, loops, functions, and error handling.
  • The core data structures for creating useful programs: strings, lists, dictionaries, and file manipulation.
  • Previews of the next big topics in computer science: object-oriented programming skills, and computer algorithms. 

Python Joyner

Each of the four courses in the program can be audited for free but this only gives limited access and doesn't earn any certificates. Enrolling in them individually normally costs 10% more than enrolling in the entire program at the outset.

The Professional Certificate in Introduction to Python Programming consists of four courses each requiring 9–10 hours per week, for 5 weeks

  1. Fundamentals and Procedural Programming
    Learn the fundamentals of computing in Python, including variables, operators, and writing and debugging your own programs.
  2. Control Structures
    Learn about control structures, one of the most powerful parts of programming. This course covers conditionals, loops, functions, and error handling, specifically in Python but with broader applicability to other languages as well.
  3. Data Structures
    Learn more complex ways of handling data, including files, lists, and dictionaries for building complex programs.
  4. Objects & Algorithms
    Learn about recursion, search and sort algorithms, and object-oriented programming in Python. 

 As we've reported before certificates from edX are a valuable investment whether you are looking for a promotion in your current job or are contemplating a career move. Having a 30% discount is a good reason to enroll before March 1st. Use code RESEDX24 at checkout


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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 20 February 2024 )