Sharpen Your Hacking Skills With CTFLearn |
Written by Nikos Vaggalis | |||
Wednesday, 18 July 2018 | |||
CTFlearn began as a simple project by the members of a local school's CTF club in order to have a playground for testing their skills. V2 of the site is currently undergoing a beta, but is available to the public. Let's find out what this revamped version has to offer.
While CTFlearn might have started as a little local project, it wasn't long, due to a high level of interest, before it started to overrun its local boundaries to appeal to a much greater audience. The simple and easily navigable layout has certainly played a role in the site's popularity.
The new design sports:
The main attraction, of course, are the user submitted Problems and Challenges which span the typical CTF themeology such as Binary exploitation, Cryptography, Reverse engineering, Forensics, Web attacks (see XSS,SQL Injection and the likes).There's also grouping the challenges by Popularity, level of Difficulty and order of Appearance. The way it works is, registered users "Create Problems", give them a Description, assign them a Difficulty level, reward points for solving them and optionally provide tips/guidelines on how to solve them. For example, the following problems are currently trending or popular: WHAT CAN A BUNCH OF NUMBERS MEAN?
LOST IN THE BINARY 60 points I lost a flag inside this binary, please help me to find it!!!
30 points See if you can leak the whole database.
It's apparent that the site aims to become a treasure trove of CTF challenges with variable topics and difficulty levels for practising and learning. What's missing, in order to truly learn from the challenges, is having their solutions handy, something that is unfortunately not provided, but that could be because it's still in beta. So if you're looking to sharpen your hacking skills or getting ready to join a CTF hackathlon, this is a good place to start. More InformationRelated ArticlesCarnegie Mellon CyLab Challenge: Learn Hacking At School To be informed about new articles on I Programmer, sign up for our weekly newsletter, subscribe to the RSS feed and follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin.
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