Amazon Unveils AWS Conference Sessions
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Thursday, 25 October 2012

Amazon has updated the details about the sessions at its AWS re: Invent conference. While much of the material is aimed at general businesses, there are some goodies on offer for developers.  

Amazon Web Services first global customer and partner conference, AWS re: Invent  will take place in little over a month, from November 27-29 in Las Vegas, and Amazon has updated the details on the sessions available.


While the conference is a top contender for the most irritatingly named event of the year, the way Amazon is working to get people to attend is a lesson in clever marketing, with ideas including a sample email for your boss that you can download, complete with all the right corporate language, and an assurance that

“The conference is being held Tuesday afternoon through Thursday afternoon so I will only be out of the office for a short period.”

It concludes

“After the conference, I’ll distribute a post-conference report that will include an overview, major takeaways, best practice tips, architecture diagrams and sample code we can use, and a set of recommendations to maximize our investments in the cloud.”

Presumably, this will be available to delegates as a pre-written report!



For developers, the sessions on offer cover the major languages and SDKs on offer, so there are sessions on using DynamoDB with Python and boto, and using DynamoDB with the AWS SDK for PHP. Python gets another outing in a session showing how to deploy and use Python-based frameworks like Django and Flask in the AWS cloud, and the AWS SDKs for Java and Ruby both have coverage.

The conference is taking place from November 27-29 in Las Vegas.


More Information

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 25 October 2012 )