Joomla Magazine April 2012
Written by Lucy Black   
Monday, 02 April 2012

On the news pages of this issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine there's a milestone to celebrate - Joomla! downloads hit the thirty million mark in March. What else is in this issue?



The feature story that had me clicking to read it has the title 10 Joomla! Prejudices. In it Angie Radtke gives her answers to 10 criticisms of Joomla! proposed by the German Screenguide Magazine.


The list is headed with "Joomla! is only for private sites" and Angie dispenses with this one very quickly. Next she counters "Joomla's architecture is outdated" and "Joomla! is insecure and easy to hack". If you find yourself having to defend your choice of Joomla! you'll find her arguments useful.





One of the items for developers is Check username availability with Ajax, in which Nicola Galgano presents code that performs a check for the availability of a user name in the registration process of Joomla! 2.5 based sites. It implements a layout override, then does a client side JavaScript request and a server side PHP-JSON response.

An article in the Administrators section on Customizing the Admin Menu is also aimed at the "competent php developer" and does require coding. Another item in the section Are You Sure You Want To Do It Yourself? would also sit happily in the Business Matters section alongside Nine Points to Leverage when Selling a Joomla! 2.5 Upgrade.

Following on from his article in last month's issue about setting an hourly rate Gabe Wahhab now provides 5 Vital Items to Consider When Raising Your Hourly Rate which is the outcome of discussions with four of his colleagues.

There's a new section in this month's magazine: Joomla! in Education. As Alice Grevet explains in her editorial,

We want to highlight education for several reasons. Many academic institutions use Joomla! in effective and innovative ways for their website and intranet needs. In addition, there is a growing interest in the community and amongst the leadership to identify institutions offering certification programs and explore certification further.

The section's inaugural item looks forward to Google Summer of Code, for which Joomla is a participating open source organization.


For the rest of the contents of this and previous issues, go to the Joomla! Community Magazine website:

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Last Updated ( Monday, 02 April 2012 )