Read Andrew Ng's New AI Book As He Writes It!
Written by Mike James   
Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Andrew Ng is well known to AI enthusiasts and reading what he has to say about AI project organization as he writes it is an opportunity not to be missed. To receive a draft of each chapter as it is produced sign up to the mailing list by Friday, June 24. 


Andrew Ng is perhaps best known for his pioneering machine learning course, which he created at Stanford and then turned into one of the most popular ever MOOCs. It continues to be available on Coursera, the MOOC provider he co-founded in 2012.

Since 2014 Ng is also Baidu's chief scientist and responsible for a lot of AI work. His new book isn't a basic introduction to neural networks or machine learning; instead it focuses on organizing an AI project. Not so much project management, more the specific issues that arise in AI: 

  • Should you collect more training data?

  • Should you use end-to-end deep learning?

  • How do you deal with your training set not matching your test set?

  • and many more.

If you think a that this list is a little on the "thin" side, the book is only planned to be 100 pages. The I Programmer team are all agreed that 100 pages represents a lower bound and look with similar scepticism on the target of "many 1 to 2 page chapters"! We could be wrong, but authors generally underestimate the amount they have to write. 

There is some more information about what the book will attempt to teach you: 

  • How to establish your dev and test sets

  • Basic error analysis

  • How you can use Bias and Variance to decide what to do

  • Learning curves

  • Comparing learning algorithms to human-level performance 

  • Debugging inference algorithms

  • When you should and should not use end-to-end deep learning 

  • Error analysis by parts 

It sounds good and the only problem is the short time you have to sign up - the deadline is Friday, June 24.  Another small problem is that the sign-up page doesn't accept email addresses with a dot in the name part, which is a commonly used format.

What are you waiting for? 


More Information

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 21 June 2016 )