Every day I Programmer has new material written by programmers, for programmers. This digest gives a summary of the latest content, which this week includes an extract from Deep C Dives: Adventures in C about the C For Loop. Our other feature article recalls the Invention of BASIC in the week that its co-founder Thomas Kenemy passed away, as reported in our news coverage.
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November 14 - 20, 2024
Featured Articles
Deep C Dives: The Brilliant But Evil for 19 Nov | Mike James
The C for loop has taken over the world. You have to look hard to find a language that doesn't use it or something very similiar - but why? Find out more in this extract from my recent book, Deep C Dives: Adventures in C.
Kemeny & Kurtz - The Invention Of BASIC 15 Nov | Historian
BASIC was invented for the sole purpose of making programming as easy as it could possibly be. Is there another language that can claim to have done more to change the way we use computers? You may not like it, but it was the language that brought computing to the masses.
Programming News and Views
Rust And C++ Should Be Friends? 20 Nov | Mike James
The Rust Foundation has just released a statement on Rust and C++ interoperability and Google is ponying up $1 to see that it gets done.
Go At Highest Rank Ever in TIOBE Index 20 Nov | Sue Gee
Go in currently in 7th place in the TIOBE Index for November 2024. Not only is this is the highest position it has ever had it's percentage rating is almost equal to its all-time-high. Will Go continue to go higher.
Uno Announces Platform Studio 19 Nov | Kay Ewbank
Uno has announced Uno Platform Studio, a suite of productivity tools featuring Hot Design, which they describe as a next-generation Visual Designer for .NET cross-platform apps.
OpenAI Library For .NET Exits Beta 19 Nov | Nikos Vaggalis
A few months ago the OpenAI .NET library was released as a beta. It has now reached version 2.0.0 and the time has come to leave beta and, with a few amendments enter production readiness.
.NET 9 Released 18 Nov | Kay Ewbank
.NET 9 has been released with a number of performance improvements and new features designed to help developers use AI.
Prompt Engineering Techniques To Make You An Expert 18 Nov | Nikos Vaggalis
Introducing a GitHub repository full of hot tips and instructions on how to build the perfect prompt presented in a collection of Jupiter Notebooks.
AI Breakthrough For Robot Surgery 17 Nov | Lucy Black
Using imitation learning, a robot has learned to perform surgical procedures as skillfully as human surgeons, bringing the field of robotic surgery closer to true autonomy.
Remembering Thomas Kurtz, Co-creator of BASIC 15 Nov | Sue Gee
Thomas Eugene Kurtz, the co-founder of the BASIC programming language, has died at the age of 96. BASIC, which was developed for the purpose of education, popularized computer programming making it accessible outside the narrow confines of academia.
Lightbend Announces Akka 3 15 Nov | Kay Ewbank
Lightbend, the company that developed Akka, has announced Akka 3, and has changed its name to Akka. The company produces cloud-native microservices frameworks, and Akka is used for building distributed applications.
TestSprite Announces End-to-End QA Tool 14 Nov | Alex Denham
TestSprite has announced an early access beta program for its end-to-end QA tool, along with $1.5 million pre-seed funding aimed at accelerating product development, expanding the team, and scaling operations to meet growing demand.
IBM Opensources AI Agents For GitHub Issues 14 Nov | Kay Ewbank
IBM is launching a new set of AI software engineering agents designed to autonomously resolve GitHub issues. The agents are being made available in an open-source licensing model.
Books of the Week
If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that helps us to continue posting.
Full Review
Foundations of Data Science with Python (CRC Press)
Author: John M. Shea Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC Date: February 2024 Pages: 502 ISBN: 978-1032350424 <ASIN: B0CTCQR2BS> Audience: Python developers interested in data science Level: Intermediate Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Mike James Data science still hot?
Book Watch
C# Fundamentals, 7th Ed (unQbd)
This book provides the essentials of C# programming in a structured and engaging manner. Adam Seebeck provides a step-by-step progression of over 50 topics. This seventh edition has been updated to include the latest advancements from C# 13, .NET 9, and Visual Studio 2022.
<ASIN:1954086431 >
Core Java for the Impatient, 4th Ed (Addison-Wesley)
This book is a complete guide that reflects all changes through Java SE 21, Oracle's latest Long-Term Support (LTS) release. Written by Cay S. Horstmann, author of the classic two-volume Core Java, this concise tutorial offers a faster, easier pathway for learning modern Java. Topics include the concepts of lambda expressions and streams, modern constructs such as records and sealed classes, and sophisticated concurrent programming techniques.
Building Quantum Computers (Cambridge University Press)
This textbook describes four of the most advanced platforms for quantum computing: nuclear magnetic resonance, quantum optics, trapped ions, and superconducting systems. The authors, Shayan Majidy, Christopher Wilson and Raymond Laflamme, explain the fundamental physical concepts underpinning the practical implementation of quantum computing are reviewed, followed by a balanced analysis of the strengths and weaknesses inherent to each type of hardware.
<ASIN: 1009417010>

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