July Week 1
Saturday, 13 July 2024

If you've not visited I Programmer before, this Weekly Digest gives you a taster. It has links to our wide ranging news with its mix of analysis and comment together with the week's additions to Book Watch Archive and the latest Book Review. This week our two featured articles look at GPIO Input in C for the Pico and late binding in C#. 

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July 4 - 10, 2024

Featured Articles

The Pico/W In C: GPIO Input
08 Jul | Harry Fairhead
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Input is never simple, but this is about as simple as it gets. This is an extract from a recent book in the I Programmer Library, all about the Pico/W in C.

Late Binding - Myths and Reality
05 Jul | Mike James
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The accepted wisdom is that late binding is complicated and advanced. Not necesarily. Read on to find out how it’s easy in C# and how this illuminates what is going on in other languages.


Programming News and Views

Rust's Rapid Rise on TIOBE Index
10 Jul | Mike James
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Rust is making spectacular progress up the TIOBE index and JavaScript is also on the up and experiencing a personal best. Kotlin is maintaining its inclusion in the top 20 and the gap at the very top between Python and the other dominant languages is at its widest ever.

Does AI Copy Code - Lawsuit Says No
10 Jul | Sue Gee
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Are we worried about AI code assistants? Well some of us were worried and offended enough to take GitHub/Microsoft/Open AI to court over code copying by GitHub Copilot. But the judge came down on the side of the AI. Why?

Learn Cryptography Without The Math
09 Jul | Nikos Vaggalis
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Are you sick of the math associated with cryptography?
You don't have to be any more. Applied Cryptography from the University of Tartu shows cryptography without the math! At last, a hands-on tutorial that teaches developers how to utilize cryptography in an easy-to-comprehend and down-to-earth way.

Apache NiFi Adds Python Processor Support
09 Jul | Kay Ewbank
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Apache NiFi 2, a project for processing and distributing data, has been released with support for Python processors in the MiNiFi framework, and a completely rebuilt user interface.

Pg_lakehouse Makes PostgreSQL Quack
08 Jul | Nikos Vaggalis
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Pg_Lakehouse from ParadeDB is an extension that turns PostgreSQL into the analytical engine of DuckDB. Why is that useful? How do you use it?

Gemini Offers Huge Context Window
08 Jul | Kay Ewbank
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Google has announced a range of improvements to Gemini, along with the release of Gemma 2. The first enhancement is access to a 2 million context window for Gemini 1.5 Pro, backed up with context caching to reduce overheads. Support for code execution capabilities in the Gemini API were also announced, along with the addition of Gemma 2 in Google AI Studio.

50 Years Of Rubik's Cube
07 Jul | Sue Gee
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The iconic 3D mechanical puzzle, Rubik's Cube, was invented in 1974 and celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. As well as being a popular puzzle that anyone can try to solve, it touches on some interesting mathematical concepts and challenges computer scientists to creating efficient search algorithms.

Bruce Bastian, WordPerfect's Co-Creator
05 Jul | Lucy Black
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Bruce Bastian, co-creator of WordPerfect, has died aged 76. Bastion created the word processing software as a graduate student at Brigham Young University, together with Alan Ashton, his computer science professor.

Udacity's iOS Nanodegree Completely Revamped
05 Jul | Sue Gee
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Udacity has refreshed its iOS Developer Nanodegree Program. The latest version, iOS Development with SwiftUI and SwiftData is intended to take 5 months.

Fluid Framework 2 Now Production Ready
04 Jul | Kay Ewbank
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Fluid Framework 2, Microsoft's development platform for collaborative ways to work with documents, is now production ready, according to Microsoft.

JetBrains Releases Qodana Self-Hosted
04 Jul | Kay Ewbank
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JetBrains has released Qodana Self-Hosted, a version of its code quality platform that can now be managed and maintained by the customer on their infrastructure.


Books of the Week

If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that helps us to continue posting.

Full Review

React Programming

Author: Loren Klingman and Ashley Parker
Publisher: Big Nerd Ranch Guides
Date: April 2023
Audience: Front end devs
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Ian Elliot
React is difficult to master, so a book can really help.

Book Watch

C++ Brain Teasers (Pragmatic Bookshelf)

In this book Anders Schau Knatten explores some of C++'s most interesting quirks through 25 puzzles, from the useful to the outright weird. How does initialization actually work? Do temporaries even exist? Why is +!!""  a valid expression in C++? As he works through each puzzle, he peels off some of the layers of complexity of C++, providing a fundamental understanding of how the language works.


R for the Rest of Us (No Starch Press)

This book looks at how to use R for everything from workload automation and creating online reports, to interpreting data to map making. Written by David Keyes, founder of a popular online training platform for R, the book offers a simple way in for users who just want to automate repetitive tasks or visualize data, without the need for complex math.


The WoW Diary: A Journal of Computer Game Development, 2nd Ed (Source Point Press)

The World of Warcraft Diary offers an unfiltered look inside the gaming industry. It was written by the game's first level designer, John Staats, from notes he took during WoW's creation. The book explains why developers do things and debunks popular myths about the games industry. In great detail it covers what it took to finish the project; the surprises, the arguments, the mistakes, and Blizzard's formula for success.




I Programmer has reported news for over 12 years. You can access I Programmer Weekly back to January 2012 for all the headlines plus the book reviews and articles.

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 13 July 2024 )