If you want to keep up with what's important from the point of view of the developer, you can rely on the I Programmer team to sift through the news to select items that are of interest. Here's the digest of this week's content.
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May 23 - 29, 2024
Featured Articles
Programmer's Python Data - Stacks, Queues and Deques 27 May | Mike James
Data structures are what we create out of data and Python has some good standard data structures. Find out how it all works in this extract from Programmer's Python: Everything is Data .
Gordon Bell And DEC - The Mini Computer Era 24 May | Historian
Gordon Bell is responsible for many things, but the design of the most successful range of minicomputers, the PDP range, isprobably the thing he is best known for. This is a story about when computers were big, but getting smaller.
Programming News and Views
At What Age Do Programmers Write Languages? 29 May | Janet Swift
This is just one of many question that can be answered by reference to PLDB, the programming language database devised, maintained and used by Breck Yunits, himself the author of Scroll, an open source static site generator, and its variants.
Is Rust Safe? 29 May | Mike James
Rust is our great hope for the future. Even if you are not using it you probably have heard of it and believe it is a safer language than C or C++. But is it really?
New Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK Build Released 28 May | Nikos Vaggalis
The Eclipse Foundation, together with the Adoptium Working Group, have announced the latest release of the Temurin Java SE runtime. This landmark release supports 54 version/platform combinations and five major OpenJDK versions. Given the news, we examine why Temurin has been the flagship of the OpenJDK builds.
Udacity Launches New Blockchain Nanodegree 28 May | Sue Gee
Udacity has revamped its BlockChain Developer Nanodegree program. It is a two-month program at Beginner level, although you'll need to be familiar with JavaScript and the new emphasis is how Blockchain will be key to Web 3. To celebrate the launch Udacity is offering a 50% discount on the entire Udacity catalog until Friday, May 31st.
Oracle Database 23ai - Feel the Difference 27 May | Nikos Vaggalis
The Empire strikes back with the most advanced Oracle version to date. The focus of this new version is surprise, surprise, AI , which is so embedded into the new product that Oracle found prudent to change its name from 23c to 23ai to make the point. Let's find out what's on offer.
Kotlin 2 Released With Multiplatform K2 Compiler 27 May | Mike James
Kotlin 2.0 has been released. The new version is a major update with improvements including a stable K2 compiler, which is multiplatform from the ground up, and according to JetBrains understands your code better, and compiles it twice as fast.
Meet Ambidex and Rookie From NAVER 26 May | Lucy Black
Robots may not be ready yet for the great takeover of jobs that some people fear, but in South Korea, where there are 1,000 robots per 10,000 workers, service robots are finding a role.
Commemorating Gordon Bell 24 May | Sue Gee
Gordon Bell, the pioneering computer engineer who was responsible for the most successful machines of the mini computer era and co-founded the Computer History Museum, died on May 17, 2024 at the age of 89.
JetBrains RustRover Now Commercially Available 24 May | Kay Ewbank
JetBrains has announced the commercial release of RustRover, an IDE for Rust developers. The company describes RustRover as combining advanced coding support with an integrated toolchain.
Google Releases Home APIs 23 May | Alex Denham
Google has announced a set of Home APIs and a Home runtime that can be used to access over 600M devices, Google's hubs and Matter infrastructure, along with an automation engine.
Akka Adds Database Sharding Support 23 May | Kay Ewbank
Lightbend, the company behind Akka, has released Akka version 24.05. Lightbend produces cloud-native microservices frameworks while Akka allows for building distributed applications.
Books of the Week
If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that helps us to continue posting.
Full Review
Machines Like Me
Author: Ian McEwan Publisher: Vintage, 2019 Pages: 304 ISBN: 978-1529111255 Category: Fiction/AI Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Mike James A novel about a synthetic human has become so much more relevant recently and guess what - it features Alan Turing.
Book Watch
Web Development with Blazor, 3rd Ed (Packt)
This is a guide to building and deploying interactive web applications in C# without relying on JavaScript. Updated for .NET 8, Jimmy Engström takes you through the end-to-end development of an example app, with coverage of Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly. This edition introduces flexible hosting models, allowing you to mix and match hosting approaches to create flexible and scalable Blazor applications. It also presents the new Blazor templates, which provide ready-made solutions to simplify and expedite development.
Kotlin in Action, 2nd Ed (Manning)
This guide to the Kotlin language is aimed at readers familiar with Java or another OO language. Sebastian Aigner et al are all core Kotlin language developers and Kotlin team members, and share their insights, along with practical techniques and hands-on examples. This new second edition is fully updated to include the latest innovations, and it adds new chapters dedicated to coroutines, flows, and concurrency.
Rethinking Cyber Warfare (Oxford University Press)
Spanning disciplines, David Edelman provides a fresh understanding of the role that digital disruption plays in contemporary international security. Focusing on the critical phenomenon of major cyberattacks against wired societies, the book reconsiders central tenets that shaped global powers' policies and explains what forces in the international system might durably restrain their use. It explores how deterrence, international law, and normative taboos operate today to shape whether and how states think about causing this kind of disruption.

I Programmer has reported news for over 12 years. You can access I Programmer Weekly back to January 2012 for all the headlines plus the book reviews and articles.
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