August Week 5
Written by Editor   
Saturday, 05 September 2020

Our weekly digest lists the week's news, new titles added to our Book Watch Archive and our weekly book review. This week's featured articles are the third installment of Insider's Guide to the Udacity Java Web Developer Nanodegree and another chapter of Deep C# by Mike James.

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 August 27 - September 2, 2020 

Featured Articles

The Insider's Guide to the Java Web Developer Nanodegree - 3
Nikos Vaggalis
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More of our ongoing in-depth coverage of Udacity's Java Web Developer Nanodegree Program, an upskilling program that will enhance your career prospects as a Java web developer, we move onto the third lecture in the series, "Web Services and APIs" .

Deep C# - Inheritance
MIke James
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Inheritance is a simple idea, until you try to make use of it. What's a virtual method? How do you use override and new? Its tricky when you look at the details.



News and Comment

Google Announces New Machine Learning Services
02 Sep | Kay Ewbank
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New services, aimed at data scientists and ML engineers, to simplify Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) have been announced by Google. 

AI Beats Human Pilot In DARPA Dogfight
02 Sep | Nikos Vaggalis
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This momentous event happened in a competition organized by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to test autonomous air-to-air combat systems. Should we be surprised by yet another indication of AI superiority?

D3.JS 6 Adds Iterable Support
01 Sep | Kay Ewbank
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There's a new version of D3.js, the JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. Improvements in D3 v6 include a move to using native collections (Map and Set), as well as the ability to accept iterables.

Google Launches App Modernization Program
01 Sep | Alex Denham
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Google has introduced Google Cloud App Modernization Program (Google CAMP) based on Google's "experience of driving application delivery at speed and scale".

The First Rule Of Apple Is Don't Talk About Apple
31 Aug | Mike James
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With tensions mounting in the struggle between Epic and Apple over the 30% App Store tax, Facebook stirs it further by trying to tell users that Apple is taking 30% - Apple tells Facebook it can't do that.

Beating Vulnerabilities in Open Source Code
31 Aug | Sue Gee
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Open source downloads are on course to reach 1.5 trillion in 2020, an all-time high. At the same time the incidence of cyber attacks actively targeting open source software projects has increased by 430%. How do enterprise respond to the deluge of vulnerabilities and what influences their success?

OpenBot - SmartPhones Become Robots
30 Aug | Harry Fairhead
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If you, like a lot of people, have a box full of last year's Android phones and can't think of what to do with them - why not build a robot? They have more power than desktop of a few years ago and are quite capable of running AI software. Even better you can be up and running for $50.

Windows 95 Turns 25
28 Aug | Kay Ewbank
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It's 25 years since Microsoft launched Windows 95 - how time flies when you're having fun. Unlike the major razzmatazz for the original launch, the anniversary celebrations have been decidedly low key.

Microsoft Azure Cloud DevOps On Udacity
28 Aug | Sue Gee
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Up until now, the Nanodegrees offered by Udacity's School of Cloud Computing have related to Amazon Web Services. Now there's a program focused on the alternative big cloud platform, Microsoft Azure. 

Gitpod Goes Open Source
27 Aug | Kay Ewbank
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Gitpod, a Kubernetes application that provides a collaborative development environments in your browser, is now open source. Coding in Gitpod uses Eclipse Theia, which is similar to VS Code. Gitpod is also tightly integrated with GitLab, GitHub, and Bitbucket.

Epic Keeps Developer Licence - For Now
27 Aug | Mike James
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The dispute between Epic and Apple is going to run and run and part of the problem is minimizing the damage while the dispute remains unresolved. Epic is directing mobile-using Fortnite afficianados who want to participate in the new Season to do so on Android.


Books of the Week

If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a source of revenue that enable us to continue posting.

Full Review  

Reviewer: Alex Armstrong; Rating: 3 out of 5

Alex Armstrong had previously reviewed the C++ version of this title, Data Structures and Program Design Using C++ and We also have Harry Fairhead's review of Data Structures And Program Design Using C. 

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    Last Updated ( Sunday, 06 September 2020 )