If you've not visited the I Programmer webzine (web-based magazine) before, this Weekly Digest gives you a taster. It has links to our wide ranging news with its mix of analysis and comment. It also lists the week's additions to Book Watch Archive and our Book Review of the Week. This week also sees a new collection added to Programmer's Bookshelf of titles we've reviewed and recommended.
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May 28 - June 3, 2020
Rust Is A Top Twenty Language 03 Jun | Harry Fairhead

Yes, yes it's all nonsense, but it's fun and has some sort of correlation with something and if you are a Rust fan, count me in, you can use it to browbeat others - Rust is in TIOBE's top twenty languages!
Stack Overflow Survey - What Professional Developers Use 03 Jun | Janet Swift
A little later in the year than usual, we have the results of the annual Stack Overflow Survey. Because of the number of responses it receives we tend to treat this survey as a census of the global developer population and this is its 10th edition, which adds to its stature.
Hack Club Summer of Making - Mentors Wanted 02 Jun | Sue Gee
In partnership with Hack Club, GitHub has announced Summer of Making, a new free remote, student summer program bringing the science camp experience right to students’ doors for teenagers age 13-18.
TypeScript 3.9 Improves Performance 02 Jun | Kay Ewbank
TypeScript has been updated with improvements centred on performance, polish, and stability. The compiler and editing experience have been worked on to improve speed.
Android Studio 4 - Not One Giant Leap For Android Programming 01 Jun | Mike James
It is time for Android 4. Something to look forward to and now it's here - not a decimal point upgrade but a full unit. So what's so good?
Google Releases Spanner Emulator 01 Jun | Kay Ewbank
Google has released an offline emulator for Cloud Spanner, its globally-distributed, and strongly consistent database service built for the cloud. The emulator is designed to make Cloud Spanner more accessible.
Spot Responds To Covid-19 31 May | Lucy Black
Spot, Boston Dynamics first commercial robot, is finding new roles as a sheep dog in New Zealand, a park warden in Singapore and as a nursing auxiliary in Massachusetts. Good dog.
Chromium - 70% Of Security Problems Are To Do With Memory Use 29 May | Ian Elliot
Well what a surprise! Any C or C++ programmer will tell you that mismanaging memory is the biggest problem that they have. But 70% of all security problems down to memory - that might be more than expected.
Microsoft Open Sources Fluid Framework 29 May | Kay Ewbank
Microsoft is open sourcing Fluid Framework, its development platform for collaborative ways to work with documents. Fluid Framework was first announced at the 2019 Ignite conference, and has grown in popularity.
edX MicroBachelors - Make A Start On Your Degree 28 May | Sue Gee
edX has announced a new MicroBachelor's credential. This time in Data Science from Rice University.
RStudio Improves Security 28 May | Kay Ewbank
RStudio has been updated with improved security, a real-time spell checker, and big improvements for sight-impaired developers. The Pro version has also been updated so it can be used as a client for RStudio Server Pro.
Books of the Week
Added to Book Watch
Full Review

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