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March 8 - 14, 2018
Book Watch
This week's additions to our ever-growing archive of newly published computer books are:
Book Reviews
- Python 3 Pocket Primer
Giving this book for beginning Python programmers a rating of 3.5 (out of 5) Mike James explains: This is a well written book with good explanations, but it fails as a pocket primer, not because it is too long, but because it doesn't use the space that it has to present the core Python 3 language.
- Java in a Nutshell (6e)
Recommending this book to Java programmers who have progressed beyond beginner status with a rating of 4.5 out of 5, Alex Armstrong decribes it as: a fast-paced book that presents ideas using technical language where necessary.
It's Pi Day And Google Gets In On It With A Doodle Wednesday 14 March
Pi Day - that's 3/14/18 to you - has been slowly growing in its impact and now Google has validated it, for the second time, with a doodle. What's it all about and is there a uniquely programmer angle on the whole Pi thing?
A New Raspberry Pi For Pi Day Wednesday 14 March
Pi day is supposed to be celebrated by eating pie but why not have a piece of a different pie? A Raspberry P? The new model B+ to be precise.
Google Summer Of Code 2018 Student Applications Now Open Wednesday 14 March
Google Summer of Code, which gives students an opportunity to make a substantive contribution to Open Source projects with the motto "Flip bits not burgers", has recruited more mentoring organizations than ever for its 13th year making it bigger than ever before.
UPDATE: Student Application period opens today.
JavaFX Will Be Removed From JDK Wednesday 14 March
Oracle is going to split JavaFX out of the core distribution of JDK from version 11 onwards. JavaFX is Oracle’s rich client development technology for Java.
iNaturalist Kaggle Contest Tuesday 13 March
Google has announced the 2018 iNaturalist Challenge being run for the 5th International Workshop on Fine Grained Visual Categorization (FGVC5) and now underway on Kaggle . It is a "long tail" species classification competition, which poses particular challenges for machine learning.
Kylin 2.3.0 Adds SQL Server Support Tuesday 13 March
Apache Kylin has been updated with a new version that supports SparkSQL in building intermediate flat Hive tables. There's also a new Dropwizard-based metrics framework and a cube planner that can select the most cost-effective cuboids to build.
From Scratch To Python With Future Learn Monday 12 March
A new course from the Raspberry Pi Foundation opens today on the Future Learn Platform. While primarily aimed at educators working with K-5 (primary school-aged) learners, it will also be of interest to anyone who wants to know how programming concepts translate from block-based to text-based languages.
Top 3 Languages For Big Data Programming Monday 12 March
R, Python, and Scala are the three major languages for data science and data mining. Here you’ll find out about their respective popularity, ease of use, and some pros and cons. Before all that, however, an important link between data warehousing and Big Data needs discussing.
Nim Improves Async Monday 12 March
There's a new release of Nim, the systems programming language that focuses on performance, portability and expressiveness. Nim, which was formerly called Nimrod, is statically typed and compiled.
Your Own HAL With A Little Help From Alexa Sunday 11 March
One of the best jokes in ages has been to say "Alexa, open the pod bay doors" and listen to the response. Each of our favourite voice assistants knows about HAL-9000, but now you can take it a stage further with a replica.
Machine Learning Identifies MOMA Artworks Saturday 10 March
Google's Arts & Culture Lab in Paris has been experimenting with how AI can be used for the benefit of culture. One of its latest achievements is to turn a repository of 30,000 images into a searchable archive.
Ubisoft Applies AI To Code Friday 09 March
Games developer Ubisoft has announced Commit Assistant, an AI system to spot errors almost before you make them. Is this the future of code?
New Platform For Code Jam 2018 Friday 09 March
Code Jam, Google's annual coding competition that challenges programmers to solve algorithmic puzzles, is back for its 15th year with a new interface. In addition more contestants will proceed to Rounds 2 and 3 than previously. This year's World Finals will be held in Toronto, Canada.
Win 10 To Get AI Dev Platform Thursday 08 March
Microsoft is adding a new AI platform to the next major Windows 10 upgrade. Windows ML will let developers use pre-trained machine learning models in their Apps on Windows devices.
Android P Developer's View Thursday 08 March
It's not long till May and the preview of Android P is available. We could spend hours speculating on what the P stands for, but let's assume for the moment that is stands for Programmer or Programmer's.
Women In Tech - Towards Gender Parity Thursday 08 March
Today is International Women's Day, a key date in the ongoing campaign for gender parity, and this year's theme is #PressforProgress. HackerRank has published findings relating to gender inequality in software development which indicates some signs of progress.
The Core
Android Programming In Kotlin: Animation Monday 12 March
You can animate Android graphics using nothing but a timer. It's not the best way to do the job for anything complex , but it's good to know it can be done. This extract is taken from Beginning Bitmap Graphics in a new book aimed at Android programmers wanting to use Kotlin.
Babbage's Bag
How Error Correcting Codes Work Thursday 08 March
Error correcting codes are essential to computing and all sorts of communications. At first they seem a bit like magic. How can you possibly not only detect an error but correct it as well? How do they work? In fact it turns out to be very easy to understand the deeper principles.
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