If you want to get up to speed on stuff that affects you as a developer, I Programmer Weekly is a digest of book reviews, articles and news written by programmers, for programmers. This one covers May 9th - 15th and has news of a competition.

This Week's Book Reviews
Win A PhoneGap Book Wednesday 15 May
Packt Publishing is giving I Programmer readers five copies of Kerri Shotts' new book on PhoneGap Mobile App. For a chance to win just correctly identify what Phone Gap is. And as you subscribe to the newsletter all you have to do is log in and enter - its really easy.
Massive Online Master's Degree in Computer Science Wednesday 15 May
Georgia Tech and Udacity are joining forces to offer an MSc in Computer Science to be delivered as a massive open online course with enhanced support services for students enrolled in the degree program.
New Google Apps Script Features Wednesday 15 May
Ahead of I/O 2013, which starts later today, Google has announced a handful of useful enhancements to Apps Script.
PyPy 2.0 Released Wednesday 15 May
The team behind Python interpreter PyPy has released version 2.0, and has also announced an alpha version of PyPy 2.0 for ARM processors.
Firefox 21 Available For Download Tuesday 14 May
For anyone who wants to get ahead of the pack, Firefox 21 for Windows, Mac, and Linux can now be downloaded. The official launch will take place shortly and the new version will then be automatically pushed out to current users.
DRM In HTML - The Programmer's View Tuesday 14 May
There has been a lot of debate surrounding the idea that W3C was going to produce a standard that seemed to introduce DRM into HTML. Most of this has been about the desirability of DRM and issues such as the freedom of the web - but what about the technology?
US Appeals Court Divided Over Software Patent Eligibility Tuesday 14 May
It had been hoped that a Federal Circuit judgment would shed light on what makes software eligible to be patented. But, while the court confirmed the patent ineligibility of the specific computerized method it was considering, it was divided on why.
Dr Who To Host Imagine Cup Awards Ceremony Monday 13 May
This year's Imagine Cup Worldwide Finals take place in St. Petersburg Russia and Microsoft has recruited Matt Smith, aka Dr Who, to host the awards ceremony which will be streamed live online.
AWS SDK for Node.js Released Monday 13 May
Amazon has released the AWS SDK for Node.js for creating server-side apps in JavaScript to run on Amazon’s cloud.
Robots Create Jobs Sunday 12 May
We are still looking forward to the time when robots will take over all the dangerous, unpleasant and boring jobs. But in a time of high unemployment some feel threatened by the prospect. Should we be worried?
Computer Model Explains High Blood Pressure Sunday 12 May
If you are not a medic then presumably you, like me, thought that we knew most of the basics of what causes high blood pressure as we age. It turns out that we really didn't and now a new computer model casts light on the real reason for high blood pressure.
Robot Soccer Gets Exciting! Saturday 11 May
Former world champions B-Human recently beat Nao-Team HTWK in a tense final of the Standard Platform League of the RoboCup German Open. With the size of the pitch more than doubled, the standard of play seemed similarly increased.
Reimagining The Carnival Saturday 11 May
Two Bit Circus hopes to create a STEAM - that's Science Technology Engineering Art and Math - Carnival. The basic idea is to take traditional midway attractions and bring them up-to-date using robot/computer tech - plus a little chemistry, physics, math and art thrown in.
Scratch 2.0 Released - Use It In A Browser Friday 10 May
The Scratch Team at MIT Media Lab has released Scratch 2.0, a revamped version of the well known graphical, block-structured, programming language for kids and the good news is that it is even easier to get started.
Nokia Asha A New Mobile SDK Friday 10 May
Nokia may have committed to Windows Phone 8, but it has just announced its new, less than $100, Asha phone plus a new SDK so that you can develop apps for it.
An App for Google I/O 2013 Friday 10 May
With less that a week to go before the start of Google I/O on May 15, excitement about the event is mounting and Google has produced an Android app to help you follow all the action for those attending in person or virtually.
Professional Programmer
Why Do We Try To Make Programming Like Something Else? Friday 10 May
There has been a long tendency in the development of programming to try to turn it into something else - mathematics, logic, engineering - anything as long as we can get away from programming. Why, when what makes software different from all of the above is clearly its strength and not its weakness?
The Core
Getting Started With Firefox OS And Geeksphone Keon Monday 13 May
Firefox OS looks promising and now we have the first standard hardware that runs it from Geeksphone. Creating a new app for the Keon is easy, getting it run is also easy, once you know how. In this first of a series of articles on Firefox OS app development, we start with getting a development environment set up and deploying apps to the Keon. We also provide a shortcut to getting the drivers you need to make it all work.
Babbage's Bag
How Memory Works Wednesday 15 May
Exactly how does computer memory work? What is surprising is that it still works in more or less the same way as when Babbage designed his Analytical Engine or the IBM 360 accessed core memory. So where do all our programs live?
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