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# Article Title
1 Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional
2 Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby
3 Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby 2
4 Distributed Programming with Ruby
5 Effective Ruby
6 Eloquent Ruby
7 FXRuby: Create Lean and Mean GUIs with Ruby
8 IronRuby Unleashed
9 JRuby Cookbook
10 Learn to Program: Using Ruby 2nd edition
11 Metaprogramming Ruby
12 Metaprogramming Ruby 2
13 Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby
14 Practical Ruby Gems
15 Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide, Second Edition
16 Rails 3 in Action
17 Rails AntiPatterns
18 Refactoring in Ruby
19 Refactoring: Ruby Edition
20 Ruby Best Practices
21 Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial
22 Ruby on Rails for Microsoft Developers
23 Ruby on Rails Tutorial 2nd Ed
24 Ruby Phrasebook
25 Ruby: Visual QuickStart Guide
26 Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails
27 The Ruby Programming Language