Web 2.0 Architectures: What entrepreneurs and information architects need to know

Author: James Governor, Dion Hinchcliffe & Duane Nickull
Publisher: O'Reilly, 2009
Pages: 271
ISBN: 978-0596514433
Aimed at: Entrepreneurs and information architects
Rating: 2
Pros: Raises some issues
Cons: A naive and waffly approach of little practical value
Reviewed by: Mike James

Web 2.0 architectures --- I've no idea what this means and I don't really think the authors of this book have any clearer idea. I know a web 2.0 application when I see one and so do the authors and they spend pages describing examples they have seen.

They then move on to consider a reference architecture, patterns for web 2.0 and so on. I can only describe the approach as waffle. If you know anything much about implementing Web 2.0 applications you really will find this exposition embarrassing in its naivety and its ability to wrap nothing much in sophisticated language. It certainly doesn't deal with anything practical and if you are a programmer avoid it like the plague - you have better and more difficult things to worry about.

If you need a book to give your non-programming boss then you might want to risk it but be warned that it might come back and get its revenge on you with irrelevant concerns and impenetrable jargon. I can't really believe that even the audience suggested by its subtitle "What entrepreneurs and information architects need to know" can possibly impart anything of any real value in making decisions or plans for the future. My advice would be to ask a programmer…


Last Updated ( Friday, 04 September 2009 )