Book Watch Archive

Operating Systems: An Introduction (Mercury)
Thursday, 13 July 2017

Designed to provide a step-by-step approach to clarify all of the key concepts of operating systems, the book covers all the topics from basics to mobile device operating systems. Authors R. Garg and G. Verm cover the basic concepts of operating systems such as architecture, CPU scheduling, memory management, file systems, and I/O.


Monitoring with Graphite (O'Reilly)
Wednesday, 12 July 2017

In this practical book, author Jason Dixon examines why Graphite is one of the most popular tools for monitoring and graphing the performance of computer systems. The book helps you use this open source tool to track the operational data you need to monitor your systems and track application-level metrics for profiling your services.


The Python 3 Standard Library by Example 2nd Ed (Addison Wesley)
Monday, 10 July 2017

The Python 3 Standard Library contains hundreds of modules for interacting with the operating system, interpreter, and Internet–all extensively tested and ready to jump-start application development. Author Doug Hellmann introduces every major area of the Python 3.x library through source code and output examples.


Java 9 For Programmers (Prentice Hall)
Friday, 07 July 2017

Written for programmers with a background in another high-level language, this book applies the Deitel signature live-code approach to teaching programming and explores the Java 9 language and APIs in depth. The authors, Harvey and Paul Deitel, present concepts in fully tested programs, complete with code walkthroughs, syntax shading, code highlighting and program outputs.


Python 3: Pocket Primer (Mercury)
Wednesday, 05 July 2017

This book aims to give programmers sufficient knowledge of Python 3 to be able to work on their own projects. In adition to covering all of the basic concepts, author James R. Parker has included a chapter on PyGame, which allows a programmer to handle graphics, mouse and keyboard interaction, and play sounds and videos. The demonstration example for that chapter is a Lunar Lander game.

<ASIN: 1683920864>

Creating Web Animations (O'Reilly)
Monday, 03 July 2017

Animation is the key to user interfaces that are fun, practical, fluid, and memorable, according to author Kirupa Chinnathambi, while admitting that learning how to create animations is hard, and existing learning material doesn’t explain the context of the UI problem that animations are trying to solve. This book aims to help.


C Programming (Mercury)
Thursday, 29 June 2017

Unlike many C programming books written by C programmers this brief self-teaching introduction was written by an instructor familiar with the needs of students. Author R. Chopra defines key programming terms as he teaches the basics of C programming.

<ASIN: 1683920902>

Blockchain For Dummies (Wiley)
Wednesday, 28 June 2017

This book covers the essentials of Blockchain with its potential to  revolutionize financial transactions, data security, and information integrity. Author Tiana Laurence covers the technologies behind Blockchain, introduces a variety of existing Blockchain solutions, and walks you through creating a small but working Blockchain-based application.


Practical Statistics for Data Scientists (O'Reilly)
Monday, 26 June 2017

This practical guide explains how to apply various statistical methods to data science, tells you how to avoid their misuse, and gives you advice on what's important and what's not. Authors Peter Bruce and Andrew Bruce show how many data science resources incorporate statistical methods but lack a deeper statistical perspective.


Android: Pocket Primer (Mercury)
Friday, 23 June 2017

Android Pocket Primer provides an overview of the latest Android mobile features to developers who are relatively new to this platform and its new Virtual Reality (VR) features. Author Oswald Campesato introduces core concepts in Android, along with how to use many Android APIs.


Just jQuery: Events, Async & AJAX (I/O Press)
Thursday, 22 June 2017

Writing for JavaScript developers working with advanced web pages,  Ian Elliot covers the parts of jQuery not associated with the DOM. Specifically it is about how to make use of jQuery’s event functions, Deferred and Promise functions and its AJAX functions. While not every programmer will need these advanced features in the early stages of using JavaScript, they are unavoidable aspects of modern web programming and sooner or later you will find a need to master them all.


Mastering Azure Analytics (O'Reilly)
Monday, 19 June 2017

Microsoft Azure has over 20 platform-as-a-service offerings that can act in support of a big data analytics solution. The skill lies in knowing which one is right for your project. In this practical book author Zoiner Tejada helps you understand the breadth of Azure services by organizing them into a reference framework you can use when crafting your own big data analytics solution.



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