SDD 2016 Offers Over 100 Sessions
Written by Sue Gee   
Thursday, 14 April 2016

Software Design and Development, taking place 16-20 May, 2016 is a major London-based developer event that attracts speakers and delegates from the UK, Europe and beyond. Book your place by Friday April 22nd to save up to £100.



The program for SDD 2016 includes 19 workshops, which are full-day sessions held on Monday 16th May and Friday 20th May, with the main 3-day conference, which has eight concurrent tracks, sandwiched in between. 

This year's keynote comes from Neal Ford and is on the topic "Evolutionary Architecture", In it he will define the characteristics of this family of architectural styles, along with engineering and DevOps practices necessary for implementation. In keeping with the rest of the conference, you can expect a practical and focused treatment.

Breakout sessions are 90 minutes long, which gives speakers plenty of time to go into depth. If that sounds exhausting there are refreshment breaks between each session!




This year's event has a line-up of almost 40 speakers. Some of them are familiar faces or well known names; others are newcomers to this event - what matters is that all are experts on their topics and able to bring new insights that, being independent of vendor organisations, provide an impartial perspective on relevant products and technologies, 



There are details of all the speakers in the SDD 2016 Brochure, which also has a overview of each session. Helpfully, all the sessions are ranked in two ways on a scale of 1 to 5. Coding Level indicates how much demo coding the session will contain, a rating of 1 means none, and 5 means nothing-but. In terms of what to expect in terms of difficulty,  Advanced Level 1 means introductory, and 5 means black-belt.



An interactive way to discover what topics are on offer is provided by the SDD Schedule. Here each talk is tagged by topic - or rather topics since the vast majority have multiple tags. If you click on a tag you'll find all the sessions the relate to this topic. If you click on a speaker, you'll find all their sessions together with their profile and if you click a session you'll find it within the timetable. Click Show Description to get the same overview content as in the Brochure.

Looking at the wealth of options on offer its difficult to decide which to choose - luckily for the breakout sessions you don't have to do so in advance. For workshops you do have to specify which you want to attend when booking. You can book from a single 1-day workshop to a 5-day pass covering the conference and two 1-day workshops and while there is a paper form in the brochure, booking online is recommended.



As was the case for SDD 2014 and SDD 2015, the conference is being held in London's iconic Barbican Centre. This is a very familiar venue for its organizer Nick Payne who has run numerous highly successful developer events there. Nick's philosophy for a good event includes plenty of opportunity to network. In addition to lunch and tea/coffee breaks a conference pass includes a drinks reception at the end of the first day when you can chat to the speakers and sponsors as well as to other attendees.




Asked what contributes to the success of this event - which last year was given an overall rating of 98% Nick's  answer is the speakers: 

I’ve been organizing events for software developers for the last nineteen years, and during that time I’ve learned that one thing stands out above all other factors in determining whether a conference is successful – the quality of the speakers.



If you've not yet booked your place, save up to £100 by making your booking by Friday, April 22nd.


More Information

SDD 2016

SDD 2016 Registration

SDD Schedule

SDD 2016 Speakers

SDD 2016 Brochure (pdf)

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Last Updated ( Friday, 15 April 2016 )