Perl Weekly launched
Written by Alex Armstrong   
Monday, 08 August 2011

A new news aggregator launched this month aimed both at Perl users and managers who run teams of Perl developers.

Perl Weekly is compiled by Gábor Szabó, who describes himself as a "Perl junkie" and a long term contributor to various open source Perl projects including the Perl IDE, Padre which he began. It  doesn't provide original content, but instead is a collection of selected link with a few words of comment about most important items found during the previous week.

In his blog Szabó, explained his rationale:

You are busy churning out code or managing the developers. You care about Perl but don't have time to go through tens and hundreds of articles and blog posts every day. You want to keep an eye on the development of Perl without drowning in a sea of blog posts. You need someone to point out the most important news and articles in the Perl World.

Perl Weekly is free and you can sign up to have it delivered as an email, subscribe to its RSS feed or view it on its website where you'll also find its archive.



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Last Updated ( Monday, 08 August 2011 )