ArduinoDroid - An Arduino IDE for Android
Written by Harry Fairhead   
Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Do you want to develop for Arduino directly from Android? ArduinoDroid is a free app that will let you edit, compile and upload sketches to your Arduino board directly from an Android phone or tablet.

Arduino developer, Anton Smirnov, felt he had been waiting so long for an Android IDE which would allow him to upload directly to the Arduino UNO board that he produced one, documented it as a You Tube video and has provided it with its own website. 



On first launch ArduinoDroid downloads and extracts its SDK (about 30Mb), so about 100Mb of internal storage is required. It also needs an Android device with USB-host support.

It has the following features:

  • works offline (internet connection is not required)
  • open/edit arduino sketches
  • example sketches and libraries included
  • code syntax highlighting
  • compile sketches (no root required)
  • upload sketches



Currently only Arduino Uno r3 and the FTDI-based boards (Duemilanove, Diecimila) are supported but support for the Mega, Due and Nano is planned. Other features to be implemented include advanced configurable syntax highlighting, smart code suggestions (autocomplete) and 3rd-party apps integration (manuals, compile sketch requests).

The version of the app that is a free download from Google Play is ad-supported. You can support the project and remove ads from it by an in-app transaction for only $2.99.





More Information

Download from Google Play

ArduinoDroid website

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 23 April 2013 )