GitHub Enterprise 2.1 Released
Written by Alex Denham   
Monday, 26 January 2015

GitHub has released an updated version of GitHub Enterprise, with new features including LDAP synchronization and support for OpenStack KVM.


GitHub Enterprise is designed to give large companies a way to deploy GitHub in their own environments so they can use it locally to manage custom apps designed for their own users. It offers commit histories, code browsing, compare views, pull requests, issues, wikis, gists, organizations and team management, all available locally, on your own server.

Last November GitHib Enterprise 2.0.0 was released as an “all-new” version based on new infrastructure and available on Amazon Web Servicesas well as on VMWare. Its highlights were:

  • Utilizes Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, taking advantage of long-term updates and security fixes for the base components provided by Ubuntu.

  • Online backup utilities give you a number of advanced capabilities for backing up and restoring your data. With these utilities your appliance doesn't need to be put in maintenance mode for the duration of the backup run, meaning there's no downtime for your development team.

  • Achieving redundancy with GitHub Enterprise is much easier. With replication mode enabled, you can configure a second, identical instance (failover with warm standby) to jump into action should anything happen to your primary instance.



GitHub Enterprise 2.1.0 adds support for LDAP Sync so you can automate user and team management. GitHub Enterprise now lets you provision and deprovision user accounts in GitHub Enterprise directly from LDAP with user sync, and automatically grant users access to repositories with team sync.

Another improvement is the ability to deploy GitHub Enterprise on OpenStack KVM as an alternative to VMWare and AWS Writing about the new version on the GitHub blog, Matt Colyer notes:

“if your tech stack is built on KVM, you can now easily set up GitHub Enterprise and integrate with other parts of your internal system”.

Auditing has also been improved, with the Organization Audit Log now working to the instance level, so you get a searchable record of every action performed across GitHub Enterprise in the past 90 days. Events like repository creation, team deletion, the addition of webhooks, and more are available in a running log, along with information about who performed the action and when it occurred. The blog pos says that these events can be filtered for deeper analysis, and you can create a wide range of custom search queries to make sure you're always aware of what's taking place on your instance.




There’s also a new Instance Monitoring Dashboard that means you can identify whether your instance is performing correctly and quickly locate what's wrong when it isn't. The dashboard shows info such as data disk usage, memory and CPUs, letting you answer questions such as:

  • Are my users experiencing errors?
  • What is a typical traffic pattern?
  • Should I upgrade CPU, memory, or IO to improve the performance of my instance?

Other improvements to GitHub Enterprise 2.1.0 include the ability to see results from multiple status checks, mobile search, and a deployments API.

If you want to try out GitHub Enterprise there’s a 45-day free trial.


More Information

Announcing GitHub Enterprise 2.1.0

A faster, more flexible GitHub Enterprise

GitHub Enterprise

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Last Updated ( Monday, 26 January 2015 )