Visual Studio Code Improves GitHub Support
Thursday, 10 February 2022

The latest monthly release of Visual Studio Code has a new layout and better support for GitHub commits from the fully web-based version.

Visual Studio Code is Microsoft's open source code editor that shares part of a name but not much else with full Visual Studio. It is open source under a MIT license and development has been conducted on GitHub.


The Lightweight version of Visual Studio code running in the browser has been available since November. Now, if you go to, you see a lightweight version of VS Code running fully in the browser, and can open a folder on your local machine and start coding.

The most obvious change to the main Visual Studio Code editor in this release is a Side Panel, a new surface in the workbench opposite the Side Bar, where users can put views from the Side Bar or the bottom Panel. This goes further than moving the bottom Panel to the left or the right of the editor, because it works in addition to the bottom Panel so you can see more sets of views at once.

Other improvements include a change to the settings editor search so that Search now prioritizes whole word matches. The notebook UI search has also been improved so you can search text in Markdown and output cells. Another markdown improvement adds path suggestions to the markdown location, making it faster to insert relative file paths and header links.

Unicode highlighting has also been enhanced to avoid highlighting characters in supported languages, and you can now insert selected code inside snippets.

Another change means the terminal is now able to automatically reply when a specific sequence of characters is received. The developers say that a good example of where this is useful is the Windows batch script message Terminate batch job (Y/N)? after hitting Ctrl+C when running a batch script. This typically just ends up causing problems for the user and so a default automatic reply was added. The terminal will now automatically reply with Y and enter (\r).

VS Code for the Web has also received work, and Commits created in it are now signed and marked as Verified in the GitHub UI. In addition, maintainers can now commit to pull requests submitted from forks when using VS Code for the Web.


More Information

VS Code Dev Website

Visual Studio Code Website

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