Intern at Google - Film, Fiction and Fact
Written by Sue Gee   
Saturday, 18 May 2013

A job at Google - who wouldn't leap at the chance. In this movie, being released in June, two recently laid off 40-something salesmen have got an interview for an internship at Google that might in turn lead to a job. The results are hilarious. 




The plot summary goes:

Two salesmen whose careers have been torpedoed by the digital age find their way into a coveted internship at Google, where they must compete with a group of young, tech-savvy geniuses for a shot at employment.
Yes "tech-savvy geniuses" that's certainly what we assume makes up Google.  

This clip, which is currently on the Google Jobs page may make you laugh, or cringe, cry, or echo "WHAT?!"



If you want to see what happens next, and how the hapless pair get on when they crash Mountain View (you may recognise Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson as The Wedding Crashers from 2005), here's the movie's official trailer:



Nobody is claiming the plot is believable but reviewer Chris McKittrick  who awards it a rating of 7/10 concludes:

Vaughn and Wilson make a two-hour Google commercial enjoyable.

At Google I/O Larry Page explained that Google had co-operated on the movie to improve the image of computer nerds, saying:

“Computer science has a marketing problem. We’re the nerdy curmudgeons. (But) the guy who plays the head of search [in the movie] is by far the coolest guy in the movie, and we’re really excited about that.”

Google already has good publicity for its internship program in that Google came out top as the best place to intern for the second year in a row in Glassdoor's survey of companies that recruit interns. A comment quoted on the Glassdoor blog reads:

Google treats interns even better than full time employees. All of the employees all the way up to VP personally spend time with you and take your opinion.

I'm not sure who this PG movie is supposed to appeal to. I doubt it is going to be a smash hit with elite Computer Science majors but, given it has a PG rating, what will younger kids think of it - will it make them aspire to becoming Googlers and therefore to make choices that will lead to interning at Mountain View.

Impossible to tell on the basis of the trailer - but the movie itself comes out on June 7th in the US.





More Information

IMDb - The Internship

Glassdoor - Top 20 for Interns

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 18 May 2013 )