Google Announces Advanced Power Searching Course
Written by Sue Gee   
Wednesday, 09 January 2013

Building on its success with its Power Searching course, Google has announced a follow-on two-week online class and you can sign-up now.

The Advanced Power Searching with Google Course will see Google Search researcher Dan Russell back in front of the video camera for a further set of sessions in which participants will be asked to complete twelve challenges.



Ninety-six percent of those who completed the original Power Searching course confirmed that they enjoyed the format of the course and would be interested in more - so Google can expect thousands of people to sign up for this second-level class.

The aim of the class is to: sharpen your research skills and strengthen your use of advanced Google search techniques to answer complex questions.

Specifically students will:

  • Take your search strategies to a new level with sophisticated, independent search challenges.

  • Join a community of Advanced Searchers working together to solve search challenges.

  • Pose questions to Google search experts live in Hangouts and through a course forum.

  • Receive an Advanced Power Searching certificate upon completion.



It sounds as though there will be greater emphasis on social and co-operative aspects in the new class but being online there is no set timetable although participation does require a commitment of somewhere between 6 and 10+ hours (depending our your contributions to forums and participation in Hangouts) between the start date of Wednesday, January 23rd and Friday February 8th.

Although there is no requirement to have completed the initial  course prior to joining the Advanced class it would seem highly advisable. Power Searching is currently available as a self-paced course that you can start anytime and there is just time to complete it before Advanced Power Searching starts.


More Information

Advanced Power Searching

Power Searching

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 09 January 2013 )