Java EE Is Renamed Jakarta EE
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Friday, 02 March 2018

The results are in for the vote on the new name for Java Enterprise Edition, and unsurprisingly the voters have chosen Jakarta EE. The renaming has to happen because Oracle refused to let the name Java be used.

The vote was to choose between two options - 'Jakarta EE' and 'Enterprise Profile'. According to Mike Milinkovich, executive director at the Eclipse Foundation, almost 7,000 people voted, and over 64% voted in favour of Jakarta EE. The other finalist, "Enterprise Profile," came in at just 35.6% of the votes when voted ended last Friday.

The need to change the name of Java EE arose because while Oracle has handed over the open source version of Java to the Eclipse Foundation, it says that the names 'Java' and 'javax' aren't part of the handover. The Java EE Guardians and the developer community originally wanted the name Java to be kept somewhere in the brand, but in the end put forward the two alternatives of Jakarta EE and Enterprise Profile.

The Eclipse Foundation has prepared this handy table to assist with the translation from the old names to the new names.


Old Name New Name
Java EE Jakarta EE
Glassfish Eclipse Glassfish
Java Community Process (JCP) [*] Eclipse Working Group (
Oracle development management Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J)
Project Management Committee (PMC)


Milinkovich pointed out that permission for products to formally use the Jakarta EE trademark will be dependent upon passing an as-yet-to-be-defined compatibility program run by However, as of now, Eclipse would prefer that when people refer generically to this open source software platform that they call it Jakarta EE rather than EE4J, as this was never intended to be the brand name.



More Information

Java Name Poll

EE4J At Eclipse

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