ONVIF Challenge Now Underway
Written by Lucy Black   
Tuesday, 03 April 2018

The ONVIF Open Source Spotlight challenge has a $20,000 prize pool for innovative desktop or mobile apps that connect to IP security cameras and help resolve security issues. Qualifying apps will be rewarded with a $250 Amazon gift card or a larger cash prize.



ONVIF is a non-profit organization focused on global standards  for interoperability of IP-based physical security products. Started in 2008 by Axis Communications, Bosch Security Systems and Sony, its members now also include Hikvision, Dahua Technology, Uniview Technologies and many more.

This video explains ONVIF's mission of achieving interoperability between physical IP-based security products such as video surveillance cameras.



ONVIF is now challenging developers to create open source IP video streaming applications that address global security issues and has prizes of $3,000, $2,500 and $2,000 for the top three submissions. Seven other finalists will each be awarded $800 and all other qualified submitters will receive a $250 gift card.

The online challenge, open to individuals and small teams is being run on the BeMyApp platform where you can view tutorials to help you get started and access live camera streams to test your app. 

To qualify for a prize an app has to meet three conditions:

  • Be open source

  • Implement an innovative IP security solution

  • Connect to prototype cameras with Profile T functionality

Profile T, ONVIF's latestrelease candidate, is designed for IP-based video systems and supports features such as the use of H.264 and H.265 encoding formats, imaging settings, and alarm events such as motion and tampering detection. Mandatory features for devices also include on-screen display and metadata streaming, while mandatory features for clients also include PTZ control.

It isn't necessary for developers to have prior familiarity with advanced video streaming. Once you register for the contest you'll have access to video and written tutorials that guide you in building an app that connects to an IP camera. There are tutorials for Windows, Apple and Android developers.

Participants will also be able to connect to online prototype cameras with Profile T functionality from Axis Communications, Bosch Security and Safety Systems, Dahua Technology, Hikvision and Uniview for the purpose of the challenge. Links to open source sample code for connecting to an ONVIF camera from Android and iOS are also provided.

It's always worth asking what the judging criteria are before diving into a new competition and in this case they are: Innovation, Usability, Code Quality and Style/UX.

Next, consider how you can prove that your project has the required qualities. On the BeMyApp platform when making a submission, the mandatory details on your app are the URL where the app can be found, the quick 'Twitter pitch' of what your app is, the need that your app addresses and a description of your solution. You can then include optional fields like images, the 'How It Works' steps, and a presentation field, in case you want to include some more info on your project.

What you do need for this contest is an innovative idea. It's worth knowing that currently there is $3 billion in annual spending on security devices so there are a lot of them out there!

In ONVIF's announcement of the contest, Per Björkdahl, Chairman of the ONVIF Steering Committee, explained:

“As the need for interoperability grows in significance in other industries, it’s more important than ever to seek out innovative physical security solutions to make sure we’re offering that interoperability with the highest levels of efficiency, security and reliability. We’re excited to see what inventive ideas are offered from the greater technology community.”

What might be achieved by combining computer vision techniques or sensors and triggers with advanced video streaming devices? 

The deadline for this contest - launched on March 26th - is June 3rd, 2018. Registration is a simple matter of supplying your email address and other contact details after which you can expect an invitation to the contest platform within around 12 hours. 




More Information

ONVIF Open Source Spotlight Challenge


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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 03 April 2018 )