Khronos WebGL Widget Contest
Written by Lucy Black   
Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Khronos has launched a contest to design a animated WebGL widget to be displayed on its home page. The winner will be announced at WebGL BOF at SIGGRAPH and will receive a Mali-based tablet device, courtesy of ARM, which is a member of the Khronos Group.


The Khronos Group is the consortium devoted to the creation of open standards for computer graphics, rich media and parallel computation including OPenGL, Open CL and WebGL. So while this contest doesn't have a cash prize it does have plenty of kudos.

According to Khronos:

We would like to replace the animated WebGL widget on Khronos' home page, and what better way to do that then to invite the WebGL community to show their stuff! We invite you to create your own WebGL Web Widget. We'll pick the coolest looking one and feature it on the Khronos website along with a link to your website.

The entries will also be judged on good use of WebGL and the other requirements are:


  • Must be original work and not contain any copyright material

  • The WebGL widget must be allowed to be presented on the Khronos website

  • The widget must use the WebGL API for its rendering

  • Should look good within a space of 200 x 200 pixels

  • The WebGL widget must come in under 30K for both code and resources, gzip-compressed

  • The WebGL widget must run on at least two WebGL implementations on each of Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android.

Here is the current WebGL widget (as an animated gif) that the winning entry will replace:


The entry form is on the contest page and apart from you name and email all you need to provide is the URL where the demo can be viewed, a description of it and a zip file.


The contest has just opened and runs to August 1st and is open to persons aged 18 years and above (or age of legal majority in country of residence) on a worldwide basis apart from Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and any other country subject to a U.S boycott or where prohibited by law or restricted by law or regulations. See the Complete Rules for the details.



More Information

The Khronos Group

Show off your WebGL Widget Contest

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 24 June 2014 )