Five Reasons To Teach Kids To Code
Written by Sue Gee   
Sunday, 27 October 2013

As programmers we appreciate why knowing how to code is really important. But if you find it difficult to express why, this infographic gives five reasons - and I'm sure you can add more.

During Computer Science Week, aims to give 10 million kids an hour of code. It may not be much but at least it's a recognition that it's a good idea  for children to explore online coding for kids..


 Click for full resolution imageteachkidstocode

Source: Kodable


Of all the reasons I think a variation of the third in the list is the most convincing. Learning to program makes you approach problem solving in a better way. For example, It prompts you break down complicated  problems that seen intractable into smaller parts that can be solved. Once you've acquired this a way of thinking it extends to everything you tackle - and allows you to succeed where others would simply give up.

Certainly the sooner you introduce programming to kids the more easily they will absorb it and in this sense it is like learning a foreign language. However, at whatever age you introduce it, it is the combination of imagination plus the ability to harness computing power that empowers the individual to turn ideas into action and experience the thrill of empowerment.

The infographic concludes with the economic motivating force behind the current drive towards teaching programming to all kids. Years of neglect of computer science education means the US is now facing a huge shortfall in people qualified to take on jobs that require programming skills. The prospect of an above average salary should motivate kids to learn programming - but it does rather leave unanswered the question of who is going to teach them.

If you can earn a good salary being a programmer why would you want to be a teacher instead? And if you can't program you are going it very difficult to teach the subject!

So coding is something that we as parent, grandparents, siblings, friends and volunteers need to do something more than just talk about. We need to start encouraging kids to be interested and then provide then with the resources and help they need. This is where Hour of Code can make a start and where Kodable, the company that produced this infographic comes into the picture. Kodable is a free educational iPad game that provides a kid-friendly introduction to programming concepts and problem solving.



More Information

5 Reasons to Teach Kids To Code

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