Oracle Offers Raspberry Pi MOOC
Written by Sue Gee   
Tuesday, 06 May 2014

Oracle is running a course that introduces Java developers to Java ME Embedded devices and the Internet of Things. For this MOOC you don't just listen and answer quiz questions. You build a project and for this you'll need a Raspberry Pi and a kit of parts.

The initial presentation of the 5-week course, Develop Java Embedded Applications Using a Raspberry Pi started at the end of March but thanks to an "overwhelming response" the course team, led by Oracle Java Curriculum Developer Tom McGinn, has decided to re-run it.


As explained in this introductory video the idea of the course is to use Java programming skills to create some fun and interactive applications using a Raspberry pie and Java ME Embedded 8.



The course is free, all you need to do to enroll in it is to set up a free Oracle Web account, but to complete it successfully involves a project for which you need hardware - all of which can be obtained from Adafruit.

A kit specific to the course that comprises a Raspberry Pi Model B 512MB RAM costs $149.95 and has both the accessories that a Pi user needs - power supply, case, 4GB card and reader and cables - and also items required for the course. If you already have a Raspberry Pi and its accessories then for $89.85 you can purchase a kit of the extra items needed for the course including an an assembled Adafruit Pi Cobbler kit with GPIO cable that saves students fro having to do any soldering, breadboard amd wires, Adafruit Ultimate GPS Bearkout, Miniature Wifi (802.11b/g/n/ Module, a BMP180 BarometricPressure/Temperature/Altitude Sensor and a parts pack.

Both these kits are currently out of stock but are expected to be available in time for the start date of May 30.

As mentioned in the video you need already to have experience with Java SE and to be able to devote 4-6 hours per week to it over 5 weeks.

The course has three components:

  • A series of short, pre-recorded videos provide the "lecture" portion of the course.
  • A homework project  in which you apply what you have learned by working with Java ME Embedded, the Raspberry Pi, and the electronic components.
  • A graded quiz the evaluates how well you have grasped the materials and the homework.

For the course project students are expected to write Java Embedded applications that:

  • Read input data from switches and drive LED's using the GPIO interface
  • Read temperature and barometric pressure from an I2C device
  • Read the device's current location using a GPS UART device
  • Store and manage data collected
  • Report data to a client through a variety of communication options

Based on successfully completing the course quizzes (scoring 70% or over) students will receive a course completion award, suitable for printing and framing.


More Information

Develop Java Embedded Applications Using a Raspberry Pi

Hardware packs from Adafruit

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 06 May 2014 )