September Week 5
Saturday, 05 October 2024

This week's top featured article is an extract from Programmer's Python: Everything is Data devoted to the tricky topic of dates. Sticking with dates and times, we also pose another puzzle - this time in C#. Plus the week's news and books.

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September 26 - 02, 2024

Featured Articles

Programmer's Python Data - Naive Dates
02 Oct | Mike James
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Dates are always more difficult than you could ever imagine. Find out about the simplest case, naive dates, in this extract from Programmer's Python: Everything is Data .


In-Place Or Operator Methods?
01 Oct | Ian Elliot
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This particular C# puzzle is one of those that involves an error that no self respecting programmer would make... but are you so sure. If you use the DateTime class regularly then sure, you not only won't make the mistake you will spot the nature of the problem in no time at all.



Programming News and Views

Does AI Help or Hinder?
02 Oct | Sue Gee
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After early indications that AI-powered coding assistants increase developer productivity, findings are emerging that challenge this and suggest code quality may be reduced by their use. At the same time, a majority of developers now feel their jobs are threatened by AI.

Raspberry Pi Beaten To It With Pico Plus 2
02 Oct | Harry Fairhead
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RPi recently announced the Pico 2, but while we are all waiting for the more useful Pico 2W, with WiFi, the tiny Pimoroni outfit had produced something better - the Pico Plus 2 with WiFi. What is going on?

NIST Password Guidelines - The Nine Commandments
01 Oct | Sue Gee
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The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued the second public draft of the proposed new version of its Digital Identity Guidelines. It includes updated rules regarding passwords that seem refreshingly sensible.

Tcl/Tk 9 Released
01 Oct | Kay Ewbank
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Tcl/Tk 9 has been released with changes including 64-bit capacity, and improvements to the handling of Unicode and encodings.

Java Version 23 Released
30 Sep | Nikos Vaggalis
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It was in April 2024 that we had Java 22. Now after just 6 months there's version 23, which is a STS release with lots of features in preview status.

GitHub Launches Enterprise Data Residency
30 Sep | Kay Ewbank
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GitHub has announced an option offering tighter control over where data is stored to meet regional requirements. The GitHub Enterprise Cloud data residency feature will launch on October 29 for the European Union, with additional regions including Australia, Asia and Latin America to be added later.

Christie's Make Over $16 Million From Paul Allen's Collections
29 Sep | Sue Gee
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The recent Christie's auction sale of historic computers collected for his Living Computer Museum by Paul Allen saw a Cray 1, sell for over $1million, four times higher than its estimate. The computer that exceeded its estimate by the highest margin was an Apple Lisa that realized $882,000, 44 times its estimate.

David Padua Recognized With HPC Award
27 Sep | Sue Gee
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David A. Padua is the recipient of the 2024 ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award which recognizes achievements in parallel and high performance computing (HPC). Padua is cited for innovative and usable contributions to the theory and practice of parallel compilation and tools, as well as service to the computing community.

Microsoft's Generative AI for Beginners Version 2
27 Sep | Nikos Vaggalis
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An updated version of the free, self-paced online course by Microsoft's Azure Cloud Advocates on Generative AI has been released.

Microsoft Releases Azure AI Inference SDK For .NET
26 Sep | Kay Ewbank
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Microsoft has introduced an Azure AI Inference SDK for .NET. The SDK can be used to access and use AI models from the Azure AI Model Catalog for inference tasks like chat in .NET applications.

Deno 2 Release Candidate Ready
26 Sep | Ian Elliot
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The Deno team has released the release candidate for Deno 2.0, which includes everything expected in the final release. This is the largest update since 1.0 back in May 2020, with major changes like the introduction of Node's process global.


Books of the Week

If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that helps us to continue posting.

Full Review

The Async-First Playbook

Author: Sumeet Gayathri Moghe
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Pages: 368
ISBN: 978-0138187538
Audience: Agile developers
Rating: 4
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

The driver behind this book was the pandemic and the need to find ways to make remote working effective for teams. So does the book fulfil its subtitle of "Remote collaboration techniques for Agile software teams"?

Book Watch

DuckDB in Action (Manning)

This book guides the reader example-by-example from setup, through that first SQL query, to advanced topics like building data pipelines and embedding DuckDB as a local data store for a Streamlit web app. Mark Needham, Michael Hunger and Michael Simons explore DuckDB’s handy SQL extensions, get to grips with aggregation, analysis, and data without persistence, and use Python to customize DuckDB.

<ASIN: 1633437256>

Statistics Applied with the R Commander (Springer)

Subtitled "Data Analysis Is (Not) an Art", in this book Franz Kronthaler shows how to analyze data sets systematically and to use the R Commander to extract information from data almost effortlessly. Both are (not) an art! The statistical methods are presented and discussed using a single data set. This makes it clear how the methods build on each other and gradually more and more information can be extracted from the data.

<ASIN:366269106X >

Mapmatics: A Mathematician's Guide to Navigating the World (Harvard University Press)

In this book, mathematician Paulina Rowińska leads us on a journey around the globe to discover how maps and math are deeply entwined, and always have been. From a sixteenth-century map, an indispensable navigation tool that exaggerates the size of northern countries, to public transport maps that both guide and confound passengers, to congressional maps that can empower or silence whole communities, she reveals how maps and math have shaped not only our sense of space but our worldview.

<ASIN:‎ 0674294238 >



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Last Updated ( Saturday, 05 October 2024 )