We prefer to be called Programmers ...
Tuesday, 01 March 2011

... but only just - to be fair Developer is nearly as popular a job title.

Our February IProgrammer poll attracted a total of 1322 votes. The poll was all about what you wanted your job title to be.

It asked what you preferred to be called with eight alternatives to choose from.



From the outset there were two popular choices - Developer and Programmer, which, rather obviously was our favourite given the name of the site.

These two took it in turns to be in the lead. At the close of the poll Programmer was ahead by 2 votes - although in fact in percentage terms they tied on 25%. Third place went to Software Engineer with 23% of the votes and then there was a tapering tail - Software Architect 8%, Hacker 7%, Computer Scientist 6%, Coder 4% and Software Analyst 2%.


For more thoughts on this topic see:

What do you call a programmer?

Next we want you to tell us how you prefer to work - it is in collaboration with other people or on your own, or do you prefer contract work and if so on site or online. There are six choices in our Dream Programming Job poll and it is now open for voting.

So make sure you cast your vote - and if your preferred job isn't in the list drop an email  to




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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 01 March 2011 )